Ben "Ben86" Tollerene and Phil "mrsweets28" Galfond are hardly rivals. They live within the same apartment building of their newly adopted home base of Vancouver, have huge respect for one another's poker game, and feature even been known to coach within the gym together. But way to the quarterfinal draw, Galfond and Tollerone needed to put their BFF status aside for the day as they competed for the last remaining semifinal seat within the All-Star Showdown.
This match was a large number of things. Arduous, swingy, and such a lot of levels deep it hurts the brain, simply to name a couple of. But greater than anything, it showcased just how evenly matched and extraordinarily talented these two players are. Lasting 4,341 hands, it was the longest quarterfinal match of the All-Star Showdown in the case of hands played and after 14 hours and 40 minutes at the field, Galfond finally put Tollerene away, advancing to play Saturday's semifinal round against Dan "w00ki3z." Cates.
Battle Vancouver kicked off on Twitter with messages from both players. While Tollerene invited his followers to rail him as he went up against his "friend and temporary enemy," Galfond teased, "Cool thing about today's $100k #AllStarShowdown is that both @Bttech86 and that i know the way he's gonna play and neither folks understand how I WILL BE ABLE TO".
HOUR ONE (Hands 1-258): Tollerene halts Galfond's early charge
Action got underway just past 10 am local time in Vancouver. While yesterday's quarterfinal match saw Dan Cates shoving throughout the first minute of play, Galfond and Tollerene were slower to let the chips fly. The primary hundred hands had them dead even before Galfond picked up two five-figure pots and moved out to an early lead. On a 8♣3♥2♥ flop, Galfond led into preflop raiser Tollerene with an $800 bet. Tollerene called, and the K♥ hit the turn. Galfond check-called $1,500, then checked again when the 9♣ came at the river. Tollerene bet $3,750 and Galfond called, turning up K♦4♥ for prime pair. Tollerene had nothing greater than a busted gutshot straight draw with 5♦6♠, and Galfond raked within the $12,500 pot.
Meanwhile, over on Table 4, Tollerene three-bet preflop and led out for $950 at the K♣6♠2♦ flop. Galfond raised to $1,900 and Tollerene called. Both players checked the 6♦ at the turn, but if the 8♠ hit the river, Tollerene fired out $3,900. Galfond moved all-in for $9,798 and after somewhat a tank, Tollerene conceded the $13,000 pot. With 180 hands within the books, Galfond was up nearly $18,000.
The largest pot of the hour, however went to Tollerene. Right before the break Tollerene flopped top pair and rivered aces up, erasing Galfond's gains in a single fell swoop with this $24,000 pot:
106 hands: Galfond +$441152 hands: Galfond +$18,095179 hands: Galfond +$17,962254 hands: Galfond +$7,916258 hands: Tollerene +$8,050
HOUR TWO (Hands 259-564): Tollerene builds a $25k lead
Galfond quickly erased his small deficit and had moved into the black by Hand 287, but Tollerene hit a hurry and carved out a two and a half buy-in lead. Galfond answered by picking up several medium-sized pots with out a showdown, but Tollerene quickly recovered those chips in a $21,000 pot where both players flopped straight draws, but just one of them got there:
Galfond erased many of the gap when he picked up A♠K♠ against Tollerene's A♥J♦. Both players hit top pair at the A♣7♣4♠ flop, but Galfond made two pair at the turn with the K♥. Tollerene bet $3,200, Galfond smooth-called, and the A♦ fell at the river. Tollerene shoved together with his trip aces and Galfond called all-in for $9,000, taking down the $28,700 pot with aces full.
Tollerene immediately answered by taking down a $29,300 pot with aces up over Galfond's kings up, the entire money getting into at the river on a A♦7♠K♦3♥3♦ board. Tollerene had yet another in him before the break arrived, five-bet shoving for $12,456 on a 9♥3♠2♦ flop with Q♥Q♠. Galfond called with A♦9♠, Tollerene's ladies holding up within the $26,300 pot.
287 hands: Galfond +$2,774361 hands: Tollerene +$14,729441 hands: Tollerene +$9,498488 hands: Tollerene +$19,597564 hands: Tollerene +$25,533
HOUR THREE (Hands 565-911): Galfond at the ropes
Galfond tore into Tollerene's lead on the top of the third hour, first picking off a double-barrel bluff in a $27k pot. Galfond three-bet with K♣K♥, had his $1,250 bet called at the J♣5♣5♠ flop, then saw the 2♦ at the turn. Galfond checked, Tollerene fired $2,750 and Galfond called. Galfond checked again when the 8♥ came at the river, inducing a bluff-shove from Tollerene. Galfond called off his remaining $8,900 as Tollerene sheepishly revealed 9♣T♠.
Galfond made his way into the black when his pocket aces rivered aces stuffed with nines after Tollerene's 7♠9♠ flopped trips. This cooler gave the impression to wake a sleeping giant and Tollerene went on a tear, winning 20 of the following 25 pots including this one, where he flopped top and bottom pair, and turned a boat:
Back within the result in the tune of $24,000, it was Tollerene's turn to select up A♣A♦ and get a little bit revenge. The 2 ended up getting all their money in on a 6♠5♣4♦ flop, Tollerene creating a five-bet that set Galfond all-in. Galfond called with 6♦8♦ and although he picked up a flush draw at the turn to compliment his pair of sixes, Tollerene's aces held. Tollerene continued applying pressure and expanded his result in $40,000. Galfond got his pocket queens paid off in a $9,000 pot, but it surely wasn't nearly enough to stem the tide. In fact, their next major confrontation would blow Tollerene's lead wide open.
Tollerene picked up J♠T♠ and opened for the standard min-raise. Galfond three-bet to $950 with K♣Q♦ and Tollerene called. The T♦6♥4♥ flop made him top pair, and Tollerene smooth-called Galfond's $1,350 continuation bet. The turn was the J♥, not just making Tollerone top two pair, but giving Galfond an open-ended straight draw- barely enough to justify firing another bullet. Galfond bet $3,150 and Tollerene flatted. The 2♠ at the river was an entire blank, but figuring he could only win the pot by betting, Galfond moved all-in for $9,498. Tollerene called, his jacks up good for the $29,900 pot.
After dropping that pot, Galfond's entire match bankroll was spread around the four tables, and when Tollerone's 7♣8♥ turned trip sevens against Galfond's pair of kings, Table 4 was closed, Galfond's remaing $4,000 on that table filed back into his bank. After 911 hands and 3 hours of play, Tollerone had a choke hold in this match with a $66,299 lead.
622 hands: Tollerene +$7,390695 hands: Galfond +$1,525779 hands: Tollerene +$24,380835 hands: Tollerene +$39,533841 hands: Tollerene +$47,454911 hands: Tollerene +$66,299
HOUR FOUR (Hands 912-1,183): Galfond grinds down Tollerene's lead
Tollerene continues to expand his lead, grinding up another $11,000 worth of small and medium-sized pots to depart Galfond on his last $23,000. But just in time, Galfond picked up pocket sixes and flopped a set, getting three streets of value on his hand to win a $16,000 pot. Upon getting his Table 2 stack in with Q♥Q♠ against Tollerene's 9♣9♥, Galfond had earned enough back to position all four tables in play all over again.
Galfond continued to chip up and by the point the hourly break rolled around, he'd cut Tollerone's result in $56,020
1,017 hands: Tollerene +$77,2181,036 hands: Tollerene +$67,0251,131 hands: Tollerene +$60,2891,183 hands: Tollerene +$56,020
HOUR FIVE (Hands 1,184-1,575 ): Let's do lunch
While Galfond was in a position to stop the bleeding over the following 400 hands, he was unable to make any progress when it came to recovering his chips. They went tit for tat over the process the hour and with Tollerene sporting a $53,934 lead, the 2 agreed to take a 90-minute meal break... together. Witness their Twitter feeds through the intermission:
@Bttech86: taking an intermission within the #AllStarShowDown @PokerStars to get a workout and a meal. A LITTLE BIT uncomfortable with Phil spotting me today.
@PhilGalfond: Was all the way down to 20 of my 100k starting stack within the #AllStarShowDown. Now at almost 50k. Taking gym & food break w/@Bttech86 & @JasonKoon.
And for all you skeptics saying "pics or it didn't happen," Jason Koon tweeted photographic evidence of no less than the meal part of the break:
1,224 hands: Tollerene +$45,3251,326 hands: Tollerene +$54,5721,412 hands: Tollerene +$36,8291,520 hands: Tollerene +$52,0681,575 hands: Tollerene +$53,934
HOUR SIX (Hands 1,576-2,035 ): Tollerene gives up ground
The 90-minute break became a two-hour break and at with the clock about to strike five in Vancouver, the match resumed. Galfond was in a position to harness a bit momentum and collected three substantial pots within the first five minutes to shave $18,000 off Tollerene's lead.
Galfond got another buy-in back when he picked up A♥5♥ and called Tollerene's flop and switch bets on a 3♠6♣2♦8♦ board. The 4♥ at the river made Galfond a wheel and when Tollerene checked to him, Galfond shoved for $10,133. Tollerene looked him up with K♦4♣ for just a rivered pair of fours. Perhaps he'd correctly read Galfond for ace-high... just not that ace-high
Galfond kept his nose to the grindstone and by the point they passed the 2,000-hand mark, Tollerene's lead was reduced to $23,642.
1,702 hands: Tollerene +$36,9781,728 hands: Tollerene +$19,0091,743 hands: Tollerene +$9,3491,759 hands: Tollerene +$17,5391,844 hands: Tollerene +$31,2392,035 hands: Tollerene +$23,642
HOURS SEVEN AND 8 (Hands 2,036-2,852 ): Galfond strikes but Tollerene quickly recovers
The rush Galfond have been looking forward to finally arrived because the match reached the tip of its seventh hour. He raked in a $27,700 pot when Tollerene's K♦Q♦ flopped top pair against his A♦A♠, and five minutes later he was dealt pocket rockets again at the same table. This time, Galfond won a $29,100 pot, extracting value from Tollerene on every street of the T♥6♥4♦J♦6♠ board.
His lead cut to $2,572, Tollerene roared back over the process the following 500 hands. He got paid off with pocket kings, cracked aces with king-queen, hit running straight cards, and turned boats adore it was nothing. As darkness fell over the Pacific and "regular" folks started occupied with dinner, Tollerone unfolded a 3 buy-in lead. With 2,852 hands complete, not up to 150 remained before the stakes can be raised from $50/$100 to $100/$200.
2,333 hands: Tollerene $+2,5722,436 hands: Tollerene +$12,5932,544 hands: Tollerene +$16,1792,619 hands: Tollerene +$22,7362,674 hands: Tollerene +$25,2632,852 hands: Tollerene +$29,807
HOUR NINE (Hands 2,853-3,158): West coast swing
Action intensified because the 3,000-hand mark approached. Within the largest pot of the match thus far, Tollerene busted Galfond's Table 1 stack after turning a suite of deuces against pocket eights:
As usual, Galfond was quick to return. He picked off a river bluff-shove with two pair and got his entire Table 1 stack in preflop, his Q♠Q♥ holding against 9♥9♣. By the point they were moved over to the $100/$200 tables, Galfond had once again, trimmed Tollerene's lead in half. But how long would that last? Five minutes? Fifteen?
Fifteen turned out to be right at the money. Dealt pocket queens, Tollerene three-bet to $1,400 preflop and hit top set at the Q♣J♦5♦ flop. Tollerene played your time and check-called $1,600 from Galfond at the flop and another $3,700 when the J♠ came at the turn to make him the nut boat. The river was the 4♦ and Tollerene checked a 3rd time. Galfond shoved for $11,773 and Tollerene snap-called, his queens full trouncing Galfond's trips with K♠J♣.
However, the pendulum would swing Galfond's way by the top of hour nine, courtesy of a turned straight against Tollerene's top pair:
2,986 hands: Tollerene +$11,9323,051 hands: Tollerene +$18,4683,117 hands: Tollerene +$32,9473,134 hands: Tollerene +$11,3603,158 hands: Galfond +$1,510
HOURS TEN AND ELEVEN (Hands 3,159-3,754): Galfond grabs the reins
After nine hours and greater than 3,100 hands, Galfond and Tollerene were essentially back where they started. Galfond fixed that during short order, though, raising all-in for $21,894 on a 9♦5♣3♥4♥ board. Tollerene called, his 9♣9♥ leading Galfond's straight and flush draws with A♥6♥. The river, however, was the 7♦ and Galfond took down the $46,400 pot with a seven-high straight. Minutes later, Galfond and Tollerene got their stacks within the middle on a Q♥7♥3♦ flop, Galfond's set of sevens holding against A♠Q♠. Way to the increased stakes, Galfond went from even to $40,000 profit within the space of eight minutes. With Tollerene unable to shop for in for $20,000 on all four tables, one was closed until he could accumulate more chips.
Galfond continued to grow his stacks, reaching a high point of +$65,000 after winning a $44,700 with A♥J♠ against A♠T♦. Three tables were reduced to 2 after which only one, Tollerene's entire remaining bankroll sitting on Table 2. But surely enough, the tides turned and Tollerene found yet another comeback. Tollerene reclaimed the majority of Galfond's profits within the space of 300 hands, the fortuitous river card on this $44k monster playing a key supporting role:
3,192 hands: Galfond +$19,9143,245 hands: Galfond +$40,4213,257 hands: Galfond +$45,0913,305 hands: Galfond +$65,0843,329 hands: Galfond +$47,4343,364 hands: Galfond +$35,2143,434 hands: Galfond +$33,8303,530 hands: Galfond +$23,3133,597 hands: Galfond +$2,1993,605 hands: Galfond +$7,0283,754 hands: Galfond +$15,321
HOUR TWELVE (Hands 3,755-4,069): Tollerene tumbles
Galfond carried a small lead into the 11pm hour and by midnight it changed into massive divide. His pocket jacks held against pocket nines in a $40k pot. He turned a flush when Tollerene rivered trip kings and rivered another one against a flopped top pair. Galfond rode his rush for roughly half an hour before both players suddenly disconnected. A 20-minute delay ensued as both players scrambled for a secondary connection, their apartment building's internet having gone down.
The technical glitch had no effect on Galfond's run-good, though and he continued to climb, his lead growing to just about $50,000 because the 4,000-hand mark came and went. Nevertheless it was a two pair over two pair cooler that sent Tollerene reeling, his jacks up falling to Galfond's aces up in a $40,400 pot:
3,770 hands: Galfond +$39,3143,789 hands: Galfond +$53,7403,885 hands: Galfond +$46,8553,943 hands: Galfond +$34,1474,041 hands: Galfond +$49,2344,069 hands: Galfond +$73,030
HOURS THIRTEEN-FIFTEEN (Hands 4,070-4,341): Galfond grinds to a win
Leading by $73,000, Galfond had Tollerene all the way down to one table, but like a nightmare in slow-motion, Tollerene picked up enough small pots to grind that stack as much as $40,000, It was enough to separate to 2 tables, however Galfond busted Tollerene's second stack in brief order with an ace-high flush over a king-high flush on a board with four hearts. With lower than $20,000 remaining, Tollerene was back to a single stack, but refused to surrender.
Galfond remained extraordinarily patient and ground away at Tollerene. Doubling him up again can be a disaster with the match now in its fifteenth hour. With the board reading J♥2♣4♣K♦3♦, Galfond check-raised all-in and after a protracted tank, Tollerene folded, saving his last $9,200 in chips as Scott "gunning4you" Seiver begged from the rail for him to turn his hand.
Galfond kept pecking away and with $2,378 remaining, Tollerene got the last of his chips within the middle on a Q♦J♣9♣ flop. He turned over J♥2♥ for second pair, but Galfond had the most productive hand with Q♠5♣. The A♠ at the turn was no help for Tollerene and the 5♠ at the river locked up the win for Galfond. After 4,341 hands, Tollerene's $100,000 was in Galfond's coffers.
4,094 hands: Galfond +$83,3044,187 hands: Galfond +$69,4214,219 hands: Galfond +$64,6304,239 hands: Galfond +$58,8574,282 hands: Galfond +$80,6864,321 hands: Galfond +$84,7724,323 hands: Galfond +$90,7224,324 hands: Galfond +$95,1224,341 hands: Galfond +$100,000
Naturally, there have been no hard feelings, or really even the slightest little bit of tilt between these two. After exchanging "gg" and "wp," Galfond asked Tollerene if he desired to exit and grab another bite.
"Up for dinner on me or too tired?" Galfond asked.
"Sure, but what's open?" Tollerene wondered, as they made plans to fulfill within the lobby in their apartment building.
Congratulations to Phil "mrsweets28" Galfond at the win and kudos to both players for treating us to one of these dynamic match. Galfond may be back in action on Saturday, when he's taking on Dan "w00ki3z." Cates within the semi-final round. We'll be right there with them with full coverage here at the PokerStars Blog.
Kristin Bihr is a contract contributor to the PokerStars Blog.

Read More... [Source: PokerStarsBlog.com :: All Star Showdown]
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